Welcome to the Casa Chiesi Italian Products Store. A store that focuses on all the things we love and use on a regular basis (along with objects and products we admire!) This store derives from our passion for Italy which we have expressed on our Italian Lifestyle Blog since 2005 called Casachiesi (https://www.casachiesi.com)
Please bear in mind that on our store you will find products that are sponsored via our Affilate Partners. For more information please read our disclousure statement here
Casa Chiesi are:
Elisabetta Chiesi
I was born and raised in Milan, Italy, and have been a make-up artist in the fashion industry for nearly three decades. I love my job which has offered me the opportunity to travel all around the world and which also gave me the chance to fulfill two of my main desires in life: changing the horizon and to be surrounded by beautiful things. I don’t need to be a luxuriously dressed model nor live in a Gothic cathedral … I just need to know that I have this close to me.
I have had the good fortune of living in a country that is rooted in beauty and would like to share the lesser-known aspects and the most curious ones of such an experience through Casa Chiesi.
Nazim Beltran
My story is full of uprooting. As a global nomad I met so many worlds and ways of living, languages and suffering but Italy kindly welcomed me with its charms and its contradictions. Anyone who has lived in this country retains an intense vivid memory intermixed with a small dose of regret when they tell their story. For me, this small piece of land is a continuous discovery and has managed to capture even a stateless person like me.